TaiGeek®️ CEO visits Italy and exchanges of cooperation intentions

· Company Everts

In February 2020, at the beginning of the New Year, TaiGeek®️ CEO Zou Rufei was invited to Italy to visit the Italian National Research Council Institute for Applied Science and Intelligent Systems (CNR-ISASI) and the Institute for the Study of Intelligent Systems for Automation (CNR-ISSIA).

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TaiGeek®️ CEO Zou Rufei visited two holographic imaging labs attached to CNR, where researchers Lisa and Vittorio guided Mr. Zou and gave him an introduction to the labs.

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Researcher Lisa guided Mr. Zou Rufei through the holographic cell 3D imaging system, highlighting the ongoing research projects on haemoglobin imaging, including 3D conformation and rapid screening of haemoglobin; and at last, the researcher introduced to Mr. Zou the work on 3D imaging of cancer cells using his imaging system. Mr. Zou Rufei found the relevant research very valuable and further discussed with Researcher Lisa the possibility of translating the relevant research into applications and discussed the possibility of conducting relevant experiments in the joint laboratory and reached a preliminary consensus.

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Afterwards, Mr. Zou was guided through the holographic microscopy application laboratory by Vittorio's researcher, who highlighted to Mr. Zou the value of the technology in the detection of marine particulate plastics, and both parties agreed that the digital holographic microscope has applications beyond the biological cell direction, and that the technology will be useful in other areas as well.

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Researcher Vittorio also showed Mr. Zou a small holographic microscope developed by CNR-ISASI, which can be used for microbial detection and marine pollution detection, etc. Mr. Zou believes that this instrument has great market potential, and both sides discussed in depth about the marketing of this instrument.

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After the tour of the two key laboratories, Research Director Ettore guided Mr. Zou through the CNR, focusing on the cabin baggage compartment scanning and inspection system (equipment shown in the picture above), which allows for quantitative calibration of the deformation of the baggage compartment to monitor its durability in real time. Mr. Ettore expressed his willingness to join the joint lab organized by TaiGeek®️  and discussed with Mr. Zou about the promotion of vision technology in China.

Later in the afternoon, Mr. Zou Rufei, as a representative of TaiGeek®️ , gave a presentation at CNR, introducing to CNR members the achievements of TaiGeek®️  as an emerging technology industry company in recent years.

As a participant of the Belt and Road project, the Italian Institute is looking forward to future cooperation with Chinese universities, research institutes and TaiGeek®️ . The two sides had a deeper exchange during the visit, laying a solid foundation for future cooperation.

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